Our fashion designers

The purpose of the Fashion Designers Union is to help young, talented, well-known and experienced fashion designers in coming into existence on the global market or widener the audience. If you are passionate about fashion and you create or produce your own clothing designs- you are in a right place! Do what you love and we will take care of the rest! Fashion Designers Union supports beginner designers and fashion producers at all stages of preparing collections for distribution. You can reach wider audience with us!

Our advisors talk over with the fashion designers their works and if necessary, they make them better together. Thanks to the collaboration of Fashion Designers Union with numerous sewing rooms and brokers, we help during the production of collections. After having received ready clothes, we make a professional photo session which is passed on at our sales catalogue. Later, our specialists take care of the distribution on the Polish, German, Croatian, Italian and Austrian markets.

Meet out fashion designers

  • Maja Kotala

    When we noticed that fashion could help, we knew that the Sewing Together collections designed by Maja Kotala would be really exceptional.

  • Natalia Cheng

    The new designer of Fashion Designers Union is Natalia Cheng who has always been involved in art and various forms of its message. She graduated from MSKPU and started her journey with designing form drawing, painting and sculpturing.

  • Magda Żurawińska

    Magda Żurawińska  is the owner of an amazing fashion brand Par de moi, which was created for independent and self-confident women who appreciate unique designs.

Maja Kotala


When we noticed that fashion could help, we knew that the Sewing Together collections designed by Maja Kotala would be really exceptional.


Maja Kotala is an extremely talented Polish fashion designer and model, who gained her experience in Sydney and Paris. Travelling around the world, she was looking for her place and aim in life. She found them in supporting the potential and abilities of women in East Africa. Her original program Sewing Together took already place in Uganda and Kenya. Maja’s goal is to help women who can’t afford education. She realises this goal through teaching profession: sewing, designing, creating sartorial patterns, but also basic business, photography and  marketing. It means everything what will help women become independent. For Fashion Designers Union project,  Maja together with her students, created a special collection of Masai scarves and special nightwear under the name Sleep With Me.

Natalia cheng


The new designer of Fashion Designers Union is Natalia Cheng  who has always been involved in art and  various forms of its message. She graduated from MSKPU and started her journey with designing form drawing, painting and sculpturing. Finally, her designs appeared in the Polish edition of Top Model and during  “Srebne Pętelki” awards in Poznań. Natalia is a young fashion designer who treats her engagements as an emotional experience that lets her to tell different stories and express her ideas on important issues. Her clothes designs are sometimes completely ordinary,  else when totally crazy and edgy. Take a closer look at the collection of this young designer and immerse yourselves in her world.

Magdalena żurawińska

fashion brand Par de moi

Magda Żurawińska  is the owner of an amazing fashion brand Par de moi, which was created for independent and self-confident women who appreciate unique designs. She has been interested in fashion designing since she learnt how to crochet and knit. She developed her skills in the family sewing room. Magdalena Żurawińska creates only clothes’ designs that she herself puts on. According to her, fashion needs to be extraordinary and stand out from the crowd, while being very practical. This young designer joined our Fashion Designers Union’s project with her limited collection to show that on the Polish market it’s in vain to look for similar , simple in their form and at once unique clothing designs.